Neurological Physical & Occupational Therapy Charleston, SC

A variety of illnesses and injuries can damage your nervous system and have serious consequences for your strength and mobility. Our trained physical therapists can work with you to overcome the symptoms caused by neurological damage. We are passionate about pain-free movement and its importance to the overall quality of your life. Learn more below, and contact us today for an appointment at our Johns Island, SC office.

+ Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy is a group of genetic conditions that progressively weaken muscles. Physical therapy can help you maintain functioning muscles and avoid problems with your joints that hinder movement. Our physical therapists can help you stay flexible, strong, symmetrical, and mobile. To reach these goals, your treatment plan may include:

  • Active and passive stretching
  • Strength-building exercises
  • Functional training
  • Breathing exercises
  • Therapeutic activities

+ Stroke

Strokes can occur in two ways—ischemic (an interruption in blood flow) and hemorrhagic (a bleed), which result in damage to brain cells. This medical emergency is known as a stroke and is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States. Strokes happen to people of any age, race, and gender but are more common in people over the age of 65. Following a stroke, our physical therapists can keep your muscles toned and stimulated and help you relearn the everyday skills necessary for a joyful life.

+ Parkinson's

Exercise is extremely important for patients with Parkinson's disease. At Coastal Movement Specialists, we have both PTs and OTs who are certified in LSVT BIG treatment. LSVT BIG protocols have been scientifically studied and proven over the last 25 years. This evidence-based program is designed to achieve optimal functional independence not only in daily activities but recreational activities as well. Our therapists can make walking, climbing stairs, turning over in bed, and participating in activities that create a happy, fulfilling, and rewarding life possible.

+ Multiple Sclerosis

Although the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis vary, patients often experience dysfunction of movement in one or more limbs. This is due to nerve damage that disrupts communication between your brain and the rest of your body. Physical and occupational therapy can help you with pain relief, imbalance, walking difficulty, dizziness, and other common symptoms.

+ Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries from falls, automobile accidents, and other head injury causes are common and can happen to anyone. Physical, cognitive, emotional, and sensory symptoms can develop and can adversely affect your daily life. The physical and occupational therapists at Coastal Movement Specialists work with the patient and family members to help overcome the challenges and limitations associated with traumatic brain injury.

+ Spinal Cord Injury

Damage to the spinal cord can result in temporary or permanent loss of or changes in function. Every person with a spinal cord injury is affected differently and requires an individualized treatment plan to reduce muscle atrophy, improve breathing, enhance circulation, and increase mobility. We strive to help injured patients remain as strong, active, and independent as possible.

Schedule an Appointment

Located on Johns Island, SC, Coastal Movement Specialists serves the entire Charleston area. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with our experienced physical and occupational therapists.