Orthopedic Physical Therapy Charleston, SC

The trained physical therapists at Coastal Movement Specialists can help you regain your musculoskeletal system's strength, mobility, and function with a personalized orthopedic physical therapy treatment plan. Learn more about how we can help with pain and other symptoms that limit your daily activities, and schedule an appointment with us at our Johns Island, SC office today.

Orthopedic Conditions

Orthopedic physical therapy focuses on treating injuries and conditions that affect your muscles, joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Each of these works together to support your body, maintain your posture, and allow you to move throughout your daily activities. Orthopedic physical therapy can help you when this system is impaired by orthopedic surgery, injury, or a musculoskeletal condition. Some common conditions in this area include:

+ Post-Surgery

The success of orthopedic surgery depends on the healing period following the surgical procedure. Physical therapy can help you reduce pain, improve mobility, minimize stiffness, prevent scar tissue formation, and regain your strength.

+ Hand Therapy

Hand therapy is not just focused on the hand. Hand therapy can help relieve pain and restore normal function to the hand, wrist, and arm after an injury, pre/post-surgery, and for those dealing with chronic conditions like carpal tunnel, diabetes, neurological conditions, and more.

+ Scoliosis

Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature of your spine. It affects posture and can cause pain, weakness, immobility, and loss of flexibility. Our physical therapists can use treatments such as range of motion exercises, functional training, and Pilates exercises to help relieve pain, improve mobility, and prevent the worsening of scoliosis.

+ Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the openings within the bones of the spinal cord that can cause neck and back pain. The symptoms of spinal stenosis include pain, loss of strength, and numbness in the neck, lower back, shoulders, and legs. This condition can result from changes that take place in your spine as you age. Our physical therapists can design a customized plan to help you continue your regular daily activities and maintain an active lifestyle.

+ Shin Splints

Shin splints are a common athletic injury that can affect anyone who lives an active lifestyle. Any excess strain between your knee and ankle can cause inflammation of the bone, muscles, and tendons that can lead to pain. Our physical therapists can help you identify the risk factors which led to your shin splints and develop a treatment plan to help you recover.

+ Posture

Good posture can help reduce back pain, improve digestion, boost your mood, and prevent joint pain. An assessment can identify any problems you have with your posture that can cause pain and other symptoms. We can teach you exercises to strengthen your core and other muscles necessary for good posture.

+ Bursitis

Small, fluid-filled sacs called bursae cushion the bones of your joints when they work properly. However, if they become inflamed and swollen, they cause tender, stiff, and painful joints with limited mobility. A personalized physical therapy treatment plan can effectively reduce pain and improve your joints' mobility and daily function.

Schedule an Appointment

To learn more about how orthopedic physical therapy can help you, schedule an appointment today at Coastal Movement Specialists. Located on Johns Island, SC, we serve the entire Charleston area.